
Showing posts from February, 2021


 Y'all  Check it  You have 25 days after you screw up before Google Man deletes your stuff permanently  TWENTY FIVE  So I re-subscribed to the G Suite and BAM everything returned unharmed  lesson : READ THE WARNINGS AND SLOW DOWN  Tell a friend they have 25 days to unscrew and there is a 14 day free trial too  But I'll stay at $30 a month and drink cheaper wine each month  Thanks MTP Vinny   (you know who you are) 

Lesson learned

 Welp I managed to delete 8 months worth of work from my Google Drive.   In an effort to repurpose the budget for a Podcacst I managed to unsubscribe from Google G Suite Enterprise. I found a better audio and video platform to record remotely.  Today I learned that this also deleted the DRIVE folder instead of just reverting to teh free storage level and it also killed my e mail.  Lesson learned.  As we used to say in the barn, Start over, do better and don't fuck it up this time !  ...-rob 

After 24 Hours Daytona ... there was a podcast and a film title

 Howdy follower(s)  With the 'Rona in full rage stifling in person interviews ( those that I can visit anyway ) I started to gather images and film and stories as I can.  Then I decided that I should script things - and I have done some of that.  Then work ramped up after the Holidays ( what off season ?)    It is cool to be a part of the Acura win at Daytona, ain't gonna lie.... and all three cars finished so that is extra noice.   So,  I started to look around at the options to keep things alive.  Yeah,  we can do some video chats and all but there is more available to maintain interest and attract sponsors to make a proper pitch reel.  TBH I would love to get this on Netflix or something to make the world aware of the work that is done to make races happen.  I started to review the title and chose "The Mechanicians" - that is what the old boys were called when they rode on the cars...crazy eh ? You will see - they are a part of the film.  On that I decided to star