
Showing posts from November, 2020

24 November 2020 - Back from Vacation .... in time for a Vacation

 A quick update for the follower(s)  We had a lovely time in Sedona, Arizona.  Off the clock & on the hiking trails and now back at the house just in time for a zillion e mails from work and them bang it's Thanksgiving!  Add to the holiday the 'rona flaring up and it's still mostly about planning Google Meet video calls   and gathering more images for the film! Yep, scored vintage images and home movies that I have all the rights to and I will scanning &  verifying the Mechanics identities as best I can. The thumb nail inventory is a little form each decade but I am looking for more - please set aside any images that you own and are willing to share for the film.    We should "Meet" starting in December...  Please have a safe Holiday    ...Rob & Dana   

5 Nov 2020 - A pioneer in research will be joining = John Blazier

           One thing I really enjoy is doing research into History.  fun fact, I always wanted to be a History teacher but that wasn't in the cards.  Still, I enjoy the hunt for details of the past and if I can connect with someone that has a similar interest all the better for me.  In the case of this Film, I have some experience with the subject with race car mechanics (the people more than the actual work) and couples with the historical research hobby, I manages to not only find this "out-of-print" booklet but have connected with one of the authors; John E Blazier .    John has sent many of his images for use in the Film, marking another occasion in my life where someone that has a name & reputation worth protecting has offered to help me - the first was Carroll Smith and his assistance in formalizing the Jim Russell Mechanics Training Program at Sears Point back in 1999.  After having a fantastic conversation with John, it struck me to ask him to be in the Film

3 November 2020 Studio(s) & Scripting

  From chaos comes order they say and that is holding true for me.  I have spent sometime today setting up the C-Stand (made out of a floor lamp that a guy down the street gave me when he was moving) and Mic and Webcam for Desktop calls/interviews.  The Skeezix Productions Studios is basically a camper top like room on top of a garage on a very busy street so it's been a challenge getting decent audio for my end of things. In reality, if you can hear me that's all that matters - I'll have redundant audio on my end to capture any thing I say and can dub later.  Then there is the portable set up that has a separate directional Mic, webcam and head set that I'll need for doing road-interviews remotely.  Scripting is made easier by adding in a Google Doc Add called "Screen Play Formatter"  that basically sets up the script in a more or less standard format. Naturally, I mess it's built in functions up but it has to work for me.  The hardest part is my poor typ