16 October 2020

Well suddenly we are in mid October and Petite Le Mans is on. 

That means I have been busy as it can be makings sure that Acura is in the right place parts - wise as well as prepping for Laguna... and planning to get sorted for 2021-2022.  

The wife wondered why I have issues with the day of the week even before Rona came to town. I work in the future and I live in the past ha ha.

So for the Film - well I have had more guys come out of the Jim Russell past to participate and boy that is inspiring! 

Jacques is supposed to be back from Alaska soon and that means a Non Car trip.  My testing partner for Google Meet sessions is a busy busy BUSY Dad who is still in racing - so we are testing some day soon.

Meet will allow stream conversations that will back up straight to the G Suite audio & video too. 

That is nothing as important as in person (-6') interviews that I need to do as well. 

The fact is this is a 5 year-ish project that is only a few months old and if I was retired it would be P1 but Acura is my P1 for the foreseeable future & Rona is a " thing" to keep in mind for all parties. 

For those that have sent the Film Release : I cannot say properly how much that really touches me.  This is a crazy project and its heart warming to have so many willing to be a part of it. 

For those that may or may not have contacted me for an Adobe Sign version ( yay 21st Century ) hit me up and I'll get the form over and we can plan a Meet and or set up a time/date. 

There is no stopping this now, not that there really ever was, but your interest gets me fired back up again.  

Wash yer hands and stay in touch . 


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