
01/19/2024 Where did he go?

Hey reader.  Been a while for sure.   In November of 2023, I did manage to get to So Cal for a week. The plan was to meet with Christopher Smith but, like many others, the work week and weather delayed flights made it impossible to do a good job.  A few guys were available but the timing came down to one available that week : Ty Cota-Robles of TRD.  Ty was a Jim Russell MTP around 2000 <?> (I forget things more as time goes on).  He worked at Russell too for a while after leaving the area - his adventures are all on video now and will really help explain the roller coaster career that a race car mechanic has.  Here is a photo of Ty - who doesn't seem to age - and in fact made me feel 25 years younger just being in the room with him.  Fore those that didn't get to work with Ty, you will wish you did after seeing his story which includes a real family commitment to the sport - Dad, Mom and brother Marc all have racing blood and they are a real treat to be around. Marc did a

May 2023 Already

Hi Reader. Been a while again.  I have been working the day job mostly and doing work around the house and on my MG.  Jacques called and wanted to get my schedule for the next round - I plan on getting some Jim Russell stories from him this round.  I tried to get a spot at the track (Sonoma ) from the President herself but she is pretty busy and doesn't seem to have time for a dinosaur.  The shop with the Allard will likely have to do again but the road noise and the occasional bi-plane will be in the audio.  I also started to do some great editing tutorials for Adobe Premiere. It's not like editing on your iPhone for the 'Gram as one may imagine. If you are reading this you know about Stephan Wilson and Katherine Legge incident in practice.  My 2 cents is that racing can be messy and Katherine was a superb driver and excellent in feed back while we were developing the NSX GT3 and shit happens.  I feel for Stephan. Again if you are reading this you have some idea of the wor

Bob Butte

Hey what's up?  When we were interviewing Jacques in January he mentioned a few names.  Some with a smile and some with a little side eye.   The Jacques classic eye - twinkle was in full force when he named Bob Butte.  I didn't know Bob but his name was "Russell Familiar"... you know that effect I am sure:  "I have heard than name and I know a guy that knows a guy that knows him"  Well now I know Bob Butte.  He gave me three hours on a call with some fun stories and a real appreciation of the early Jim Russell in Canada and America stories too.    Can't wait to share Bob's stories... but he is the only MTP that was a three year student. For teh love of motorsport.

The Jim Russell Story

Hi Follower I finally found a copy on eBay. Almost 20 years after one of the ownership groups attempted to sell them to the employees at a mark up price; lols.  Sure it's an Esso Sponsored marketing piece but its pretty neat. After I read this and the big storms pass I'll get back to Jacques and try to get his memories fired up again.  Meanwhile, I roam around You Tube for Adobe Premiere Pro getting my head around the process of editing with the fantastic  @AdobeColin   . Also,  I have been making my files orderly based on Colin's formatting.  After three years of gathering photo assets and interviews I have quite a bit of information and images. If the power stays on I'll be ahead of being behind.

With age comes wisdom.

Good morning reader,  A part of making this film is gathering the origin story (that is a new hip term for history I understand).  A linear story made some sense when we started.  I began to assemble personal and donated photos and stories presented in John Blaizer's Forgotten Heros of the Speedways :  The Riding Mechanics.  John spent several hours speaking with me and sharing his collection for the film. A real racer heart.  That was back in 2020.  Almost three years later,  we are back at it.  Last month we were able to steal some time from  Jacques Couture  - my boss from my beginnings in the sport seem below looking ,,, well - like a boss.     While Dana and I were noodling through the production over lunch in Sonoma, we came to the realization that Jacques was right - he usually is - that the subject is too big for a single film, "...can't tell the story in 90 minutes. It's too big. Plus, no one has an attention span anymore."  Our discussion led to the gene

Progress finally !

 Photo for attention  Wife and I stopped by Jacques’ workshop to plan our first of several film sessions for our little tribute film about the people behind the scenes. Was a lovely day and a nice time and weather permitting we start shooting next weekend. The why is linked here for those that have not seen this

December 2, 2022 Where does the time go?

   Hi reader.  Things have been crazy in the world and in life around here at Skeezix Productions.  Since starting this project we have  1. Moved from So Cal to Nor Cal 2 Changed careers completely. Learning curve at my age is a thing.  3. Changes offices from SF to Oakland - yay shorter commute.  4. House needed infrastructure:      Rat abatement including a rat pad and insulation change      HVAC service & repair     5.1 cubic TONS of weed - lawn soil removal oi I am tired     Building a dry river with three cubic yards of 4-8" river rock     Pool equipment work - racing line making came 00in handy     Spa remediation - grrr renters     100+ feet of hand trenching      Hand digging an 85 foot path and laying two pallets of 4" flagstone with 4-6" base     Hand digging a 20x10 foot place for the future front yard gathering place its called #AdvilPlaza,           also with base      All the above is in California Clay  5. Somewhere in there we got a puppy  6. Kitchen