December 2, 2022 Where does the time go?
Hi reader. Things have been crazy in the world and in life around here at Skeezix Productions. Since starting this project we have 1. Moved from So Cal to Nor Cal 2 Changed careers completely. Learning curve at my age is a thing. 3. Changes offices from SF to Oakland - yay shorter commute. 4. House needed infrastructure: Rat abatement including a rat pad and insulation change HVAC service & repair 5.1 cubic TONS of weed - lawn soil removal oi I am tired Building a dry river with three cubic yards of 4-8" river rock Pool equipment work - racing line making came 00in handy Spa remediation - grrr renters 100+ feet of hand trenching Hand digging an 85 foot path and laying two pallets of 4" flagstone with 4-6" base Hand digging a 20x10 foot place for the future front yard gathering place its called #AdvilPlaza, also with base All the above is in California Clay 5. Somewhere in there we got a puppy 6. Kitchen